ASSBT Biennial Meeting – Feb. 24 – Feb 27, 2025 in Long Beach, CA

Letter from the Editors

Dear Readers of JSBR,

On behalf of the Journal of Sugar Beet Research (JSBR), we are pleased to welcome our new and expanded editorial board for the journal and pleased to announce our new format.

We wish to ensure authors that the JSBR will continue to publish peer-reviewed manuscripts. In addition, the journal will now accept two types of technical reports. Short reports will be accepted for peer-review and can include items like germplasm releases. In addition, JSBR will now have a section for technical reports which will go through an editorial review, with an editorial board specifically to review these reports and work with authors. JSBR will continue to publish abstracts from oral and poster presentations from the biennial meeting but is adding a section to provide information about published research of interest to the sugar beet com- munity. In this, the Journal will publish abstracts for recently published research articles that are included in other professional journals. We thank everyone who participated in discussions about the desired layout of the journal and ways to improve its use to readers.

Thank you to all members of the editorial board, past and present, and to everyone who has generously submitted papers and agreed to review articles. In particular, reviewers are essential to our ability to publish peer reviewed papers, and we sincerely thank everyone who has donated their time and expertise.

We will be moving from a print version to an online format and have made sure that past issues are electronically available with DOIs. With these updates, the journal has updated its instructions to authors. These will be available at the journal website, or from the editorial board or ASSBT office. Thank you to everyone who participated in updating this material.
Thank you to our members for your support of the Journal and the Society, and we hope you will enjoy Volume 60 and the new format of the Journal of Sugar Beet Research.


Linda Hanson,
Co-Chairperson and Editor

Vanitha Ramachandran,
Co-Chairperson and Editor

Anna Murphy,
Managing Editor

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