Membership Information

Membership is paid during registration for the Biennial meetings.  All persons, associations, corporations, cooperatives, and other organizations interested in the advancement of knowledge concerning sugar beet production or beet sugar processing are eligible for ASSBT membership.   If you were unable to make the 2023 ASSBT meeting or are interested in becoming a member, please contact the ASSBT office at 303.832.4460.

Individual Membership – Regular

Cost – $250 for two years

Requirements – Any individual working in the field of agricultural or processing related
to beet sugar, who wishes to further the knowledge of those working in beet sugar and
who supports the mission and vision of the society is eligible for individual membership.


  • Right to attend the biennial meetings of the society
  • Discount on biennial meeting registration
  • To participate in elections and ballots regarding the society.
  • Receive one copy of any publication as it is issued by the society
  • Support the Journal of Sugar Beet Research (JSBR)
  • 20% discount on any publications submitted to the JSBR

Sustaining Membership – Company

Cost – $900 for two years

Requirements – Any Company working in the field of agricultural or processing related
to beet sugar, which wishes to further the knowledge of those working in beet sugar and
which supports the mission and vision of the society is eligible for sustaining


  • Be represented by one individual and to vote in elections of society meetings
  • Discount on biennial meeting registration for the identified individual
  • Name on all publications issued by the society
  • Receive one copy of any publication as it is issued by the society
  • Priority access to sponsorship and vendor opportunities
  • Support the Journal of Sugar Beet Research (JSBR)
  • 20% discount on any publications submitted to the JSBR by the company