JSBR Articles Search
Letter from the JSBR Committee
Dear Readers of JSBR, On behalf of the Journal of Sugar Beet Research (JSBR), we are pleased to share with all ASSBT members and meeting attendees the launch of the new and improved Journal of Sugar Beet Research. The JSBR was previously called the Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, and Volume […]
Nitrogen Management in Northwest U.S. Sugarbeet Production
Sugarbeet production in the Pacific Northwest is located primarily from south central Idaho to southeastern Oregon. Beets are produced by growers who are part of Amalgamated Sugar Company (ASCO), a grower-owned cooperative. From 2011 to 2020 an average of 73,700 ha year-1 of sugarbeets were harvested in this growing area (NASS, 2022). Nitrogen (N) supply […]