2021 41st Biennial Virtual Meeting

March 1st - March 4th, 2021


Oral Presentations

Methods To Reduce Cercospora Beticola Inoculum In Field

At What Plant Stand Is Replanting Needed?

Development Of U.s. Bnyvv Infectious Clones To Study Rz1 And Rz2 Resistance Breaking.

Molecular Profiling Of The Sugar Beet Pathogen, Fusarium Secorum

Molasses Filtration With Automatic Discharge Of Dry Solids

Automated Factory Exception Reporting Using Sugarstm 4.1 Mass And Energy Balance Software

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Investigations Of Cercospora Leaf Spot Biology In Sugar Beet

Cereal Rye Suppresses Glyphosate-resistant Horseweed In Sugarbeet

A New Portable Qpcr Technology To Identify Cercospora Beticola In Asymptomatic Leaves Of Sugar Beet

Epidemiological Studies Of Cercospora Leaf Spot Of Sugar Beet For Improved Management

Characterization Of Pathogens And Foliar Disease Interactions Impacting Sugar Beet Storage

Utilizing Foliar Boron For Managing Cercospora Beticola

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