Harrigan, Timothy M.¹, Steve Poindexter²*, Kurt Ewald³ and Tom Wenzel², ¹Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dept., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, ²Michigan State University Extension, Saginaw, MI and ³Lakke-Ewald Farms Inc., Unionville, MI
Hubbell, Lee A.¹*, James F. Stewart¹ and David B. Wishowski², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Agricultural Research Center, Bay City, MI and ²Hilleshög, Akron, MI
Kaffka, Stephen R.¹* and Scott Shepard², ¹University of California - Davis, Department of Plant Sciences, Davis, CA and ²University of California Cooperative Extension, Merced, CA
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹*, Larry Campbell², Norman Cattanach³ and Aaron Carlson³, ¹North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND, ²USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND and ³North Dakota State University, Soil Science Department, Fargo, ND
Morishita, Don W.¹, Joel Felix², Donald L. Shouse¹* and J. Daniel Henningsen¹, ¹University of Idaho, Twin Falls R&E Center, Twin Falls, ID and ²Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station, Ontario, OR
Searle, Dennis W.¹*, Don W. Morishita² and Tamie Keeth², ¹The Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC, Nampa, ID and ²University of Idaho, Twin Falls R&E Center, Twin Falls, ID
Shouse, Donald L.¹, Don W. Morishita¹*, J. Daniel Heningsen¹, Robyn C. Walton² and Michael P. Quinn³, ¹University of Idaho, Twin Falls R&E Center, Twin Falls, ID, ²Seminis Seed Company, Filer, ID and ³Oregon State University, Crop and Soil Science, Corvallis, OR
Wishowski, David B.¹, James F. Stewart¹, Lee A. Hubbell¹*, Ralph Fogg² and Corey J. Guza², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Agricultural Research Center, Bay City, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Gielen, Jan¹, Elisabeth Wremerth-Weich², Pierre Pin², Petra Van Roggen², Thomas Kraft², Karsten Harms³, Gerhard Steinrucken² and Rebecca Larson⁴*, ¹Syngenta Seeds, Saint-Sauveur, France, ²Syngenta Seeds, Landskrona, Sweden, ³Südzucker Mannheim/Ochsenfurt, ZAFES, Obbrigheim/Pfalz, Germany and ⁴Syngenta Seeds, Longmont, CO
Janssen, Geert¹*, Roy Martens², Rebecca Larson², Maria Nihlgård¹ and Thomas Kraft¹, ¹Syngenta Seeds, Landskrona, Sweden and ²Syngenta Seeds, Inc., Longmont, CO
McGrath, J. Mitchell*¹, Linda Hanson¹ and Rachel Naegele², ¹USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet and Bean Research Unit and ²Plant Breeding and Genetics Program; Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Naegele, Rachel P.¹ and J. Mitchell McGrath²*, ¹Plant Breeding and Genetics Program, Michigan State University and ²USDA-ARS, SBRU, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Panella, Lee¹*, Lana Wheeler² and Mary McClintock¹, ¹USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet Research Unit, Fort Collins, CO and ²USDA-ARS, National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, CO
Smigocki, Ann C.¹*, Snezana D. Ivic-Haymes, Sabina Zuzga² and Jelena Savic³, ¹USDA-ARS, Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, ²Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland and ³Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", Department of Plant Physiology, Belgrade, Serbia
Wintermantel, W. M.¹*, A. Gulati-Sakhuja¹, R. L. Larson², L. L. Hladky¹, A. Nunez³ and A. Hill⁴, ¹USDA-ARS, Salinas, CA, ²Syngenta Seeds, Longmont, CO, ³USDA-ARS-ERRC, Wyndmoor, PA and ⁴USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, CO
Boetel, Mark A.¹, Ayanava Majumdar²*, Robert J. Dregseth¹ and Allen J. Schroeder¹, ¹Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND and ²Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center, Alabama Extension Service, Fairhope, AL
Cattanach, Allan¹*, Jeff Daniels², Mark A. Boetel³ and Robert J. Dregseth³, ¹American Crystal Sugar Company, Moorhead, MN, ²Bayer CropScience, West Des Moines, IA and ³Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Hill, Amy L.¹, Kimberly M. Webb¹*, Julie Laufmann², Linda E. Hanson³ and Lee Panella¹, ¹USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet Research Unit, Fort Collins, CO, ²U.S. Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO and ³USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet and Bean Research, East Lansing, MI
Martin, John O.*, Kevin Thorsness, Kelven Luff, Charles Hicks, Dean Maruska, George Simkins and James Bloomberg, Bayer CropScience, Research Triangle Park, NC
Nihlgård, Maria¹*, Mats Levall¹, Rickard Jonsson¹, Britt-Louise Lennefors¹, Rebecca Larson² and Gerhard Steinrucken¹, ¹Syngenta Seeds, Landskrona, Sweden and ²Syngenta Seeds, Inc., Longmont, CO
Poindexter, Steven S.¹* and James F. Stewart², ¹Michigan State University Extension, Sugarbeet Advancement, Saginaw, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Strausbaugh, Carl A.¹*, Imad A. Eujayl¹, Eugene Rearick², Paul Foote³ and Dave Elison³, ¹USDA-ARS, NWISRL, Kimberly, ID, ²Amalgamated Research Inc., Twin Falls, ID and ³Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC, Paul, ID
Strausbaugh, Carl A.¹*, Imad A. Eujayl¹, Lee W. Panella² and Linda E. Hanson³, ¹USDA-ARS, NWISRL, Kimberly, ID, ²USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, CO and ³USDA-ARS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Windels, Carol E.¹*, Jason R. Brantner¹, Albert L. Sims¹ and Carl A. Bradley², ¹University of Minnesota, Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN and ²University of Illinois, Crop Sciences Department, Urbana, IL
McGillivary, Terry*, Diane Rheault, Jim Heggeness, Indrani Samaraweera and Joe Wallevand, American Crystal Sugar Company, Technical Services Center, Moorhead, MN
Burris, Brian¹*, Yvan Bathany² and Hannu Paananen³, ¹Novasep Inc., Boothwyn, PA, ²Novasep Process, Site de Saint-Maurice de Beynost, Miribel, France and ³Danisco, Finland
Pullammanappallil, Pratap, University of Florida, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), Gainesville, FL
Hongo, Chiharu¹*, Katsuhisa Niwa², Jun Yokobori², Ryutaro Yamada³ and Masato Kuwahara⁴, ¹Chiba University, Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, ¹-³³ Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba, Japan, ²Zukosha Co. Ltd., Hokkaido, Japan, ³National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Ibaraki, Japan and ⁴Green Techno Bank, Hokkaido, Japan
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹* and Randy Nelson², ¹North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND and ²University of Minnesota, Moorhead, MN
Lamb, John A.¹*, Mark W. Bredehoeft² and Chris Dunsmore², ¹Department of Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN and ²Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, Renville, MN
Sims, Albert L.¹*, John A. Lamb², Mark W. Bredehoeft³, Kim R. Hoff¹ and Chris Dunsmore³, ¹Northwest Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota, Crookston, MN, ²Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN and ³Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, Renville, MN
Eujayl, Imad A.¹*, Ivan Simko² and Carl A. Strausbaugh¹, ¹USDA-ARS, NWISRL, Kimberly, ID and ²USDA-ARS, Crop Improvement and Protection Unit, Salinas, CA
Fenwick, Ann¹, Rebecca L. Larson², Patrick A. Reeves³, Amy L. Hill¹ and Lee Panella¹*, ¹USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet Research Unit, Fort Collins, CO, ²Syngenta Seeds, Inc., Longmont, CO and ³USDA-ARS, National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, CO
Larson, Rebecca L.¹, Mary E. McClintock², Robert A. Cramer³, Amy L. Hill², Ann Fenwick², Patrick A. Reeves⁴, Kimberly M. Webb²* and Lee Panella², ¹Syngenta Seeds, Inc., Longmont, CO, ²USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet Research Unit, Fort Collins, CO, ³Montana State University, Bozeman, MT and ⁴USDA-ARS, National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, CO
Takahashi, Hiroyuki¹*, Yoshiya Shimamoto², Kazuyuki Okazaki¹, Kazunori Taguchi¹, Yosuke Kuroda¹ and Hideyuki Abe¹, ¹National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, Hokkaido, Japan and ²Tokyo University of Agriculture, Hokkaido, Japan
De Temmerman, Nele¹, Mark Anfinrud², Marc Meulemans¹, Alexandra Burkholz¹, Erik de Bruyne¹, Guy Weyens¹, Steve Barnes¹, Stefaan Horemans¹, Marc Lefebvre¹ and Melvin D. Bolton³*, ¹SESVanderHave, Tienen, Belgium, ²SESVanderHave, Fargo, ND and ³USDA-ARS, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹, Issa Qandah¹ and Melvin D. Bolton²*, ¹Dept. of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University and ²USDA-ARS, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND
Kirk, William W.¹*, Linda E. Hanson¹&² and Christy L. Sprague³, ¹Dept. of Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, ²USDA-ARS, SBRU, East Lansing, MI and ³Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Lartey, Robert T.¹*, Andrew Lenssen¹, TheCan Caesar-TonThat¹, Joyce Eckhoff², Sophia Hanson¹ and Robert G. Evans¹, ¹USDA-ARS, Northern Plains Agricultural Laboratory, Sidney, MT and ²Montana State University, Eastern Agricultural Research Center, Sidney, MT
Majumdar, Ayanava¹*, Mark A. Boetel², Stefan T. Jaronski³ and Richard D. Horsley⁴, ¹Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center, Fairhope, AL, ²Entomology Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, ³USDA, Agricultural Research Services, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Sidney, MT and ⁴Plant Sciences Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Okazaki, Kazuyuki*, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kazunori Taguchi, Yousuke Kuroda and Hideyuki Abe, National Agricultural Research Organization, Hokkaido, Japan
Sprague, Christy L.¹*, Kelly A. Barnett¹, Linda E. Hanson² and William W. Kirk³, ¹Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, ²Sugar Beet & Bean Research Unit, USDA-ARS, East Lansing, MI and ³Dept. of Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI