Lamb, John A.¹*, Mark W. Bredehoeft² and Chris Dunsmore², ¹Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN and ²Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, Renville, MN
Fisher, Jason M., Jeff M. Stachler* and John L. Luecke, Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University & University of Minnesota, Fargo, ND
Tarkalson, David D.¹*, Imad Eujayl¹, Brad King¹ and Werner Beyer², ¹USDA Agricultural Research Service, Kimberly, ID and ²KWS SAAT AG, Einbeck, Germany
Regitnig, Peter J.¹*, Bryan R. Avison¹ and Jennifer Nitschelm², ¹Lantic Inc., Taber, Alberta, Canada and ²Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Wilson, Robert G.¹*, Stephen C. Weller², David R. Shaw³, Micheal D. K. Owen⁴, Bryan G. Young⁵ and David L. Jordan6, ¹University of Nebraska, Scottsbluff, NE; ²Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; ³Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS; ⁴Iowa State University, Ames, IA; ⁵Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL and 6North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Lamb, John A.¹*, Mark W. Bredehoeft² and Chris Dunsmore², ¹Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN and ²Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative, Renville, MN
Hubbell, Lee A.¹*, James F. Stewart¹, Brian J. Groulx¹ and Ralph Fogg², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Agricultural Research Center, Bay City, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Hubbell, Lee A.¹*, James F. Stewart¹, Brian J. Groulx¹ and Ralph Fogg², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Agricultural Research Center, Bay City, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Savary, Brett J.¹,²*, Prasanna Vasu¹ and Jose C. Tovar¹, ¹Arkansas Bioscience Institute and ²College of Agriculture, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR
Fugate, Karen Klotz¹*, Jocleita P. Ferrareze² and Melvin D. Bolton¹, ¹USDA-ARS, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND and ²Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil
Eujayl, Imad A.¹*, Carl A. Strausbaugh¹, Wolfgang Michelke² and Andrzej Kilian³, ¹USDA-ARS, Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory, Kimberly, ID, ²KWS-SAAT AG, Einbeck, Germany and ³Diversity Array Technology PL, Yarralumla, ACT, Australia
Boetel, Mark A.¹*, Ayanava Majumdar², Robert J. Dregseth¹ and Allen J. Schroeder¹, ¹Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND and ²Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center, Alabama Extension Service, Fairhope, AL
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹,²*, Aaron L. Carlson¹, Gary A. Secor¹, Viviana V. Rivera¹ and Melvin D. Bolton³, ¹Plant Pathology Department, North Dakota State University, ²University of Minnesota, Fargo, ND and ³USDA, ARS, NCSL, Fargo, ND
Secor, Gary A.¹*, Melvin D. Bolton², Viviana V. Rivera¹ and Mohamed F. R. Khan¹, ¹Department 7660, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND and ²USDA, ARS, NCSL, Fargo, ND
Webb, Kimberly M.¹*, Amy L. Hill², Linda E. Hanson³, Lee Panella¹, Mark Brick⁴ and Howard Schwartz⁵, ¹USDA-ARS, Sugar Beet Research Unit, Ft. Collins, CO; ²Current address: The Ohio State University, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Columbus, OH; ³USDA-ARS, Sugarbeet and Bean Research, East Lansing, MI; ⁴Colorado State University, Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences, Ft. Collins, CO and ⁵Colorado State University, Dept. of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Ft. Collins, CO
Jacobsen, Barry J.¹*, Ken Kephart² and Joyce Eckoff³, ¹Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, ²Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley, MT and ³Eastern Agricultural Research Center, Sidney, MT
Eggleston, Gillian¹*, Andy Dilks², Mike Blowers² and Kevin Winters², ¹SRRC-ARS-USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA and ²British Sugar plc, Wissington Factory, Norfolk, UK
Eggleston, Gillian¹*, Andy Dilks², Mike Blowers² and Kevin Winters², ¹SRRC-ARS-USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA and ²British Sugar plc, Wissington Factory, Norfolk, UK
Eggleston, Gillian¹* and Jean-Marc Huet², ¹SRRC-ARS-USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA and ²Groupement D’Echanges Techniques, Sucrerie de Sainte-Emilie, Ste Vermandoise Industries, Villers-Facuon, France
Eggleston, Gillian¹* and Jean-Marc Huet², ¹SRRC-ARS-USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA and ²Groupement D’Echanges Techniques, Sucrerie de Sainte-Emilie, Ste Vermandoise Industries, Villers-Facuon, France
Kochergin, Vadim¹*, Mark Suhr² and Christian Lohrey¹, ¹Audubon Sugar Institute, LSU AgCenter, St. Gabriel, LA and ²MS Processes Intl., LLC, Hutchinson, MN
Beaudry, Randolph¹*, Ron Gehl², James Stewart³ and Lee Hubbell³, ¹Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, ²Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University, Mills River, NC and ³Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Clark, Greg M.¹*, James F. Stewart², Lee A. Hubbell², Ralph Fogg¹ and Brian Groulx², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City MI
Groulx, Brian J.*, Lee A. Hubbell¹, James F. Stewart¹ and Ralph Fogg², ¹Michigan Sugar Company, Agricultural Research Center, Bay City, MI and ²Michigan Sugar Company, Bay City, MI
Hellier, Barbara C.¹*, Lee Panella², Yasmina El Bahloul³ and Naima Qariouh⁴, ¹USDA-ARS, Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Pullman, WA; ²USDA-ARS, Sugar Beet Breeding Unit, Fort Collins, CO; ³National Institute of Agronomy Research, Genetic Resources and Plant Breeding Unit, Rabat, Morocco and ⁴National Institute of Agronomy Research, Setatt, Morocco
Lindsey, Raymond S.¹ and J. Mitchell McGrath²*, ¹Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University and ²USDA-ARS, SBRU, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Savary, Brett J.¹,²*, Prasanna Vasu¹, Dayanandan Anandan¹ and Ann C. Smigocki³, ¹Arkansas Bioscience Institute & ²College of Agriculture, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR 7²⁴67 and ³Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD ²070⁵
Bolton, Melvin D.¹*, Gary A. Secor², Viviana V. Rivera² and Keshav Birla³, ¹USDA-ARS, Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND, ²North Dakota State University, Department 7660, Fargo, ND and ³North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Bradshaw, Jeff D.*, C. Dean Yonts, Drew J. Lyon and John A. Smith, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Scottsbluff, NE
Hanson, Linda E.¹*, In Young Cho² and Subashini Nagendran³, ¹USDA-ARS, SBRU, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, ²Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH and ³Dept. of Crop and Soil Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹,², Somwattie P. Desouza¹, Jacob L. Wildman¹* and Aaron L. Carlson¹, ¹Plant Pathology Department, North Dakota State University and ²University of Minnesota, Fargo, ND
Khan, Mohamed F. R.¹,²*, Somwattie P. Desouza¹, Jacob L. Wildman¹ and Aaron L. Carlson¹, ¹Plant Pathology Department, North Dakota State University and ²University of Minnesota, Fargo, ND
Metzger, Michael S.¹*, Tim Kenyon², NeilBoedekker², Tom Hermann², Chris Motteberg²,Lynn Dusek², Curtis Funk²snd Allan Cattanach²,¹Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative, Wahpeton, ND and²AmericanCrystal Sugar Company, Moorhead, MN
MacRae, Ian V.¹*, Gregory J. Reynolds², Albert L. Sims³, Carol E. Windels⁴ and Soizik Laguette⁵,¹University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology and Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN; ²University of California-Davis, Department of Plant Pathology, Davis, CA; ³University of Minnesota, Department of Soils, Water and Climate and Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN; ⁴University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology and Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN and ⁵University of North Dakota, Department of Earth System Science and Policy, Grand Forks, ND
Reynolds, Gregory J.¹*, Carol E. Windels², Ian V. MacRae³ and Soizik Laguette⁴, ¹University of California-Davis, Department of Plant Pathology, Davis, CA; ²University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology and Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN; ³University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology and Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN and ⁴University of North Dakota, Department of Earth System Science and Policy, Grand Forks, ND
Obuya, James O.¹*, Linda E. Hanson² and Gary D. Franc¹, ¹University of Wyoming, Plant Sciences Department, Laramie, WY and ²USDA-ARS and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI ⁴88²⁴
Obuya, James O.¹*, Linda E. Hanson² and Gary D. Franc¹, ¹University of Wyoming, Plant Sciences Department, Laramie, WY and ²USDA-ARS and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI ⁴88²⁴
Strausbaugh, Carl A.¹*, Imad A. Eujayl¹ and Erik Wenninger², ¹USDA-ARS NWISRL, Kimberly, ID and ²University of Idaho, Twin Falls Research and Extension Center, Twin Falls, ID